Squeezing in Some Spirituality (6): Katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Augustinus
The example presented here, after a two month hiatus in publishing this series, had to be squeezed in in another way. So difficult was it to find a good vantage point from which to photograph it in its entirety that the facade just barely fit into the frame. But the photographer Victor Brigola was up to the challenge, and pulled it off again.
This Catholic job on Dänenstrasse appears incredibly secure in its standing, having little need for the kind of overwrought historical pastiche of its protestant brethren featured elsewhere in this collection. Its appearance has something more to do with an ideal than the contingencies of history, I would argue, and references to previous styles have been sublimated by a vision so reduced that it seems to be simultaneously both primitive and futuristic. A little dab of razzle dazzle hasn’t been forgotten, though: the guilded cross provides a not-so-subtle reminder of who’s got the money and isn’t afraid to show it.
As you may have seen by clicking onto the photographer’s link above, Mr. Brigola will be showing works from this series from Thursday, Oct. 27 in the show entitled “Feeling the Void” at the Vero Linzmeier Galerie. The opening party will be from 6:00-9:00pm on Thursday, I hope to see you there!