27 October 2009

More Stimmann-Era Schlock, Taken from the Other Side and Volume Sprayed


Architects ∕ Conspiricy Theory ∕ Erosion

I took another look at Kollhoff’s pseudo pile of bricks in the process of being dismantled from the Leipziger Platz side; this is so fucked up. It occured to me that maybe they’re just faking the need for an architectural surface peel in order to be able to mount this 6X billboard for a new haircare product.

Could it be that Nivea’s new Volume Sensation Styling Spray was itself developed in reaction to the obvious marketing opportunity that the eastern face of the scaffolding presented? Or maybe that the idea for the product, as well as its name, were indeed derived from the cladding technique that Kollhof had employed a decade before in the construction of this titan in the pantheon of fakeytecture?